Tuesday 17 March 2009

New Shoes!

A day of great excitement yesterday - after the Silverstone run I felt really good apart from some delicate knees and went to NikeTown in Oxford Circus for my trainers to run in on the big day. I had originally decided to go to the London Marathon Shop but it was way over in Covent Garden so convienence lead me to Nike.
I wanted to use their machine which videos your gait to see which trainers are best for you. It was amazing - straight away you could see when I ran I rolled my ankle from right to left and put a load of stress on my shins and knees (hense the pain!) and lost a lot of power.
I was recommended a pir that eliminated the roll and had a higher instep to support me and wow - what a difference! They are by far the most expensive trainers I have ever bought (£95) but they feel like a sock and help my running no end - today I ran 5k in 30 minutes and felt fine afterwards so money well spent.
To anyone looking to do something like this I would always now recommend doing this as soon as you start training. The shoes are good for about 400 miles so when you start to crank up the miles they really come into their own.

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