Thursday 23 April 2009

Live Runner Tracker

If you fancy finding out what point any one of the 36,000 expected competitors has got to in the London Marathon this year then take a look at Adidas' runner tracker.

Providing text message updates on runners' progress every 5km as well as knowing what time they started, their average speed and full statistics for the race you can follow any runner from the comfort of your own home.

The next best thing to being there in person the system is revolutionary when it comes to keeping runners connected to their friends and family for the duration without panting down a phone. All you need is their race number.

So to avoid missing out on a single stride, strain, cramp or tear either text RUN to 83040 or follow the link below.

Adidas London Marathon Runner Tracker

I am running number 2449!


Ran my last 'run' over the weekend - 5 miles in 48 minutes which I was happy with - no aches and pains.

I have spent most of this week concentrating on diet - more carbohydrates and increasing this as the week goes on.

Today I went to the Excel Arena in London and registered for the race - I got my number - 2449 - and I am running from the Blue Start. It begins at 9.45am so I should think I'll be going through around 10.00am. I am aiming for around 5 hours which will get me in around 3pm.

The exhibition was great and really brought it home to me what I am attempting. It was quite emotional signing in, it felt like this is really happening now. I also have my race chip and a band giving mile breakdowns for pace. They also gave us a goody bag with all sorts of stuff in, including som Cranberry Sauce which I can't quite work out!

I really can't wait now and will do a post on Saturday evening before the event... the next time after that will be after I have done the race.

I am really looking forward to it and just hope everything goes well. It's been very hot and sunny this week so I hope it gets cooler by Sunday!

Monday 13 April 2009

Dispair and relief!

Wow, now THAT was an interesting 72 hours!

Went out on my final 10 miler on Saturday, ran fine for 4 miles and then in the space of a minute, just blew up completly - couldn't run another step and was leaning over a gate for five minutes feeling awful. Walked another mile and tried to run again but absolutely no chance. Very scary for me as I am very Churchillian in these things - never, NEVER surrender etc. and this just doesn't happen. Also, this close to the day etc.

Got home and talked it through with Kirsty and a fellow runner and I think it just boiled down to working too hard, drinking too much and eating the wrong food. Decision made, no more booze until the day and diet sorted.

The net result was I got up this morning and ran over 10 miles, no problems at all, and although the time wasn't amazing (11 minute miles) I felt fine after.

So, two weeks of decent diet and no alchohol. I think in a weird way Fridays blow out worked in making me realise I cannot do everything and that I have to give my body a chance.

Also bought a knee support from a physiotherapist friend and that seems to have worked for te knee over 8 miles when it has hurt in the past so a good investment there. Kirsty also has got some Ibrupofen Gel whic worked miracles on the knee after last week and another friend suggested plasters for the nipples to stop the rubbing. So all the gory parts are being taken care of.

It looks like there could be rail engineering works on the day (bloody typical) so we are starting to plan our travel arrangements - half of my family are coming down - even my sister who has found a loud hailer - oh my god!

I also have to get a running shirt sorted this week to get my name and my companies on who have sponsored me and then the fun starts next week - registration etc!

This is the last 10 miler I did and another post next week with the build up!

Friday 10 April 2009

The longest run...

Sunday was the day I was dreading - as the Marathon day gets closer I'm looking forward to it more and more but I had to get a 20 miler in before race day. This was it!

It sounds daft but it's really a case of not stopping. The first 2-3 miles are always the hardest as your body gets into it but once past that point it's keeping yourself within your fitness zone and not blowing up. In the end I managed 20.75 miles in 4hours and 5 mins. My target or the marathon is to get under 5 hours so I'm well placed.

It also a major phsycological boost as well, you KNOW you can run 20 miles so you KNOW you can finish. You can visualise your way around the course as you have done that distance and can tell yourself that when you do feel tired and want to stop so Sunday was a big day - wow did feel happy when it was finished and out the way!

Roger also completed the Paris Marathon this week and ran really well. It helps knowing he's done this as that also drives and inspires me to do this.

Finally I have to say I was simply staggered by an email to my work clients asking for Sponsorshp. The response was simply incredible an a massive boost to my target amount of £2,000. Thanks to my customers nearly another £600 has come in and I'm only £33 off the target now. Thank you, all of you!

I'm starting to wind the training down now - a 10 miler this weekend, then five and thats it I need to keep the cardio training runs going as I took the week off to recover from the 20 miler but back on the road again tomorrow!