Sunday, 1 February 2009

Week Two Training

This was a strange week for me. Having got into the idea of training and used to it again last week I did Tuesdays 25 minute treadmill without to many issues apart from my heart rate being higher than I would have liked - around 180bpm which is too much - I think regular training and losing weight will help with that.
A problem that became apparent this week is the juggling work and running. My workload is heavy normally but this week I had a few late nights at the office and also a cold so I missed Thursdays session to at least try and get myself up to speed. The plan was then to do a 25 minute run on Saturday nd a 90 minute run on Sunday - things were about to change!
The phone rang Staurday morning - Roger - who had seen the weather forecast for Sunday (snow) and asked if I wanted to go on a 10.5 mile run with him. He is three weeks ahead of me as he is running Paris. I agreed and we set out on a predominantly cross country course. For the first four mles I had good pace and ahead of Rog but after that his better fitness kicked in and he lead me all the way. I managed to finish in 1hr 57 minutes which I wasn't unhappy with. My heartrate had been good (no burn out!) and I wasn't too achey. With more practise I can confidently build up th speed and distance. This was the route:

On Sunday, despite the freezing cold I ran a 3.8 mile course in 38 minutes - the ten minute miles I am aiming for and again my heartrate was fine. I had a couple of blisters on my feet which means I will have to look at getting some new trainers that fit me properly. I will go in a couple of weeks to a running store to have my stride etc. tested to get the best fit as these will be vital to my comfort in the Marathon.
Something else I am quite pleased about is that a lot of my friends are also doing the Silverstone Half-Marathon in March. This will be a good test for all of us. My best for this is 2hrs 20 minutes which I think I'll do well to beat.
Week 3 promises more of the same for now and I will also be oputting more effort into eating and drinking sensibly. Been saying that for years though!

Week 2 Schedule:
Monday: Rest Day
Tuesday: 25 minute run
Wednesday: Rest Day
Thursday: Rest Day
Friday: Rest Day
Saturday: 10.5 miles in 1 hr 57 mins
Sunday: 3.8 miles in 38 mins

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